Quotes deployed from Made in the Shade will expire based on the date that the Quote was sent. Typically the expiration date is either 4 days or 10 days. It will state in the upper right corner of the Quote.
After you have reviewed the Quote from Made in the Shade with an assigned Job # and you have decided to initiate the rental reservation confirmation, you must complete the Rental Agreement & Delivery Preparations Form(RADP), one of the Payment Forms necessary to submit the non-refundable deposit, or payment in full. Once the RADP, Payment Form, and the the deposit has been received, your rental will be marked confirmed. At this point, Made in the Shade will accept changes to the order, begin the permitting process for the rental, if applicable, initiate the 811, if required, place the delivery & pick up dates on our Job Schedule and begin planning and prepping the equipment that will be send as part of the reservation.
It is important to reserve your rental as quickly as possible. If contact Made in the Shade to confirm and you are past your expiration date, there is no guarantee that was was initially quoted will still be available.
If you received a Quote via email with the “CONFIRM THIS RENTAL” sheet (typically the last page), you will activate the CONFIRM link embedded into the sheet to access the RADP. If you received a Quote without the confirmation sheet, You can access the RADP here, or you can call 916-371-8500 or send an email to Reservations@madeshade.com to have a web link emailed to you to complete. Made in the Shade will not begin work until the rental is confirmed. By initiating the rental reservation confirmation you are Quote as is, or pending any changes (which will be accepted after all reservation documents have been received).
The RADP is required for all rentals that are reserved.
Below is a visual example of how the Made in the Shade confirmation happens and the steps leading up to the delivery and pickup of the rental.