Safety packages are required for tenting that is being permitted. The safety package includes an EXIT sign, No Smoking Sign.



This image shows the placement of the fire extinguisher, no smoking sign and the exit sign inside of tent. This image provides a visual depiction so customers can have a better understanding of what to expect when a safety package appears on their job order.

SAFETY PACKAGE – A safety package will be required on all permitted tents. Safety packages will be either “Non-Electric” or “Electric,” as defined below. Customers supplying their own Safety Packages or elements of must provide documentation stating the items they have provided.


NON ELECTRIC SAFETY PACKAGE – Includes Exit signs (No illumination or emergency flood lighting), non-electric “No Smoking” sign and up-to-date fire extinguishers* as required in the fire code. This option is activated when there is no access to power at the site or the event is held during daylight hours.


ELECTRIC SAFETY PACKAGE – Includes Exit signs that illuminate and provide emergency flood lighting, non-electric No Smoking sign and up-to-date fire extinguishers* as required in the fire code.


MAX OCCUPANCY LOAD – A maximum occupancy load will be placed inside the tent as required by the fire district. The formula for seating is determined by sq. ft of tent divided by 15. The formula for theater/standing is sq. ft. of tent divided by 9.

*1 fire extinguisher for the first 1000 sq ft, and 1 additional per each additional 2000 sq ft or fraction thereof


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