Winterize your construction site – Protecting workers, meeting deadlines
Clear-span structures in a rage of sizes keep workers safe and the job going when weather and deadlines loom.
Available in the following widths: 18m (60′), 20m (65′), 25m (82′), 30m(98′)

Winterize your construction site – Protecting workers, meeting deadlines
Clear-span structures in a rage of sizes keep workers safe and the job going when weather and deadlines loom.
Available in the following widths: 18m (60′), 20m (65′), 25m (82′), 30m(98′)

Flu & Vaccination Tentings
Mass vaccination events continue to be a necessary part of life. By providing cover for medical staff, drive-thru vaccination sites can operate during the hot summer months, and the cool, wet winter months.

Emergency Tenting
California Wildfire Storm
When fire ravaged through Northern California, whatever was in its path was destroyed. Part of the statewide and national response during, and after the fires, is the activation of a vast network of services. Tent Rentals is a key component to that response. Made in the Shade has had the distinct honor to participate when shelter is needed. Our wide range of styles and sizes, available in large quantities allow us to duplicate the set-ups in many areas at once.
Keep your site protected
Clear-span structures in a rage of sizes keep workers safe and the job going when weather and deadlines loom.
Our staff is ready to answer questions or provide additional assistance. Contact us today by PHONE or EMAIL.
To obtain a tent rental estimate for an upcoming event, complete the REQUEST A QUOTE form.