California’s State Capitol is in the heart of Sacramento. Made in the Shade is committed to the safety of our employees and the public at large. When appropriate, Made in the Shade will deploy equipment to assist crews as they perform the installation and removal of tents, canopies, and structures.


Effective November 2024

Made in the Shade operates up to three pieces of machinery (TentOX and B&R Mover Carts) while delivering and picking up equipment within the State of California’s Capitol Park and Capitol building complex. As of Fall 2024, per the CHP Capitol Events Guidelines, vehicles of any kind will not be permitted within the secure zone (security perimeter consisting of bollard style barriers that surrounds the capitol on all sides. This means that Made in the Shade cannot operate our work trucks to reach the middle and upper west steps. Under these guidelines, Made in the Shade cannot operate our TentOX within the secure zone either. Made in the Shade does have permission to use B & R Mover Carts within the secure zone.

Illustration of the process of machinery loading in materials at the state capitol

The Tent OX provides strength and support to the installation and removal crews to offload and load a range of large materials and tenting hardware. The Tent OX is also tasked with transporting and placing blocks, and even acting as a counter weight when crews pull vinyl roofs through the trac systems on our largest structures and canopies. These policy changes will impact the time required to install and remove equipment.


Tent, canopy, and structure installation and removal is very labor intensive. Capitol Park and Capitol Complex rentals will be impacted by the policy changes.

State Capitol Install/State Capitol Removal

State Capitol Install and State Capitol Removal sections will be included on State Capitol rental job order. Each section will contain all items required to execute the rental reservation.  There are charges and fees associated with most of the line items/actions included within the Capital Installation/Removal sections of the job order. Those charges and fees are dependent on the size and scope of the work and equipment required to complete the job.  

TentOX & Mover Carts

These sections will contain the TentOX and the B&R Mover Cart. Both will work in tandem to move as must material as possible. For the TentOX, there will be a transportation/trailer fee, a fuel charge, and a machinery charge.

Long Carry – State Capitol

The deployment of these machines cannot adequately address labor deficiencies to complete the work required. The physical labor that will appear on the rental order as a “Long Carry – State Capitol” line item. The fee for the long carry will be based on the style of equipment being installed, the date/time of the installation/removal, the time allotted for crew to work, and the amount of equipment on the reservation.

Portable Restroom

Made in the Shade crews must have accessible restroom facilities while working on site for the installation and removal. When a restroom cannot be provided by the customer for exclusive use by the crew, Made in the Shade will deploy a portable restroom for the exclusive use by Made in the Shade‘s crew while working onsite. More information regarding our Restroom Accessibility Policy can be found HERE.



When reviewing the rental order, the the following may appear under the capitol package header:

  • TentOX machine
  • Transportation (via trailer)
  • Daily Fuel Charge
  • Long Carry – State Capitol
  • Coordination with CHP
  • Block & Roll Mover Cart  (Optional)
  • Block & Roll Electric Mover Cart
  • Portable Restroom & Trailer
  • Portable Restroom Delivered to Site (By Restroom vendor) (Optional)

Discover more information about events at the state capitol HERE  






Our staff is ready to answer questions or provide additional assistance. Contact us today by PHONE or EMAIL.

To obtain a tent rental estimate for an upcoming event, complete the REQUEST A QUOTE form.

Visual icon of a telephone that is a button to contact Made in the Shade by telephone at 916-371-8500        Visual image icon of a paper airplane which is a hyperlinked button to email       Visual icon button hyperlinked to Made in the Shade's Quote Request form

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