CA State Fire Code and Enforcement


Tenting that requires permitting can be handled by Made in the Shade's knowledgable sales team. As an event tent rental company servicing the Sacramento and Bay Area counties, we understand the importance of the real world of, the State of California Fire Code as it relates our company-wide commitment to provide excellent and dependable customer service. .


This is the CAL Fire logo to accompany the verbiage in the state fire code, title 19.





1. Tents or membrane structures shall not be located within 20 feet of lot lines, buildings, other tents or membrane structures, parked vehicles, generators or internal combustion engines.(CFC 3103.8.2 CFC 3104.19)

2. An approved certification of the fire-resistive treatment must accompany this application. Membrane structures or tents shall have a permanently affixed label bearing the identification of size and fabric or material used. (CFC 3104.2 CFC 3104.3)

3. NO SMOKING signs with block letters shall be conspicuously posted. (CFC 3104.6)

4. Fire extinguishers and other fire-protection equipment shall be provided as required. (CFC 906 CFC 3104.12)

5. Show required exits per CFC 3103.12. Exit signs shall be installed at required exit doorways and where otherwise necessary to indicate clearly the direction of egress when the exit serves an occupant load of 50 or more. Exit signs shall be of an approved self-luminous type or shall be internally or externally illuminated by fixtures supplied in the manner specified by CFC 3103.12.6.1.

6. A detailed site and floor plan for tents and membrane structures with an occupant load of 50 or more shall be provided with each application for approval. The tent or membrane structure floor plan shall indicate details of the means of egress facilities, seating capacity, arrangement of the seating and location and type of heating and electrical equipment. (CFC 3103.6)

7. All combustible decorative material, floor coverings and any other effects must be noncombustible or treated and comply with CFC 807 and CFC 3104.5.

8. When more than 200 seats are used, seats shall be fastened together in groups of not less than three or the seats shall be securely fastened to the floor (CFC 1029.14)

9. All heating and cooking equipment shall be approved by the Fire Marshal (CFC 3104.15)

10. Heating and cooking equipment shall not be located within 10 feet of exits or combustible materials.(CFC 3104.15.3). Outdoor cooking that produces sparks or grease laden vapors shall not be performed within 20 feet of a tent or membrane structure. (CFC 3104.15.6)

11. Obtain an electrical permit from the Building Department prior to commencing any electrical work.

12. Membrane structures having an area of 15,000 square feet or more shall be located not less than 50 feet from any other tent or structure. (CFC 3103.8.3)

13. Guy wires and other support members shall not cross a means of egress at less than 8 feet. *





3104.2 Flame Propagation Performance Testing and Certification

Before a permit is granted, the owner or agent shall file with the fire code official a certificate provided by the product manufacturer
to verify that the materials have been tested and certified by an approved testing laboratory. The certificate shall indicate that the
floor coverings, tents, membrane structures and their appurtenances, which include sidewalls, drops and tarpaulins, are composed
of materials meeting the flame propagation performance of Test Method 2 of NFPA 701. Additionally, it shall indicate that the
bunting and combustible decorative materials and effects are composed of material meeting the flame propagation performance
criteria of Test Method 1 or Test Method 2 of NFPA 701, as applicable. Alternatively, the materials shall be treated with a flame
retardant in an approved manner and meet the flame propagation performance criteria of the applicable test method of NFPA 701.
The certificate shall indicate compliance with the testing requirements of NFPA 701, Chapter 16. The flame propagation
performance criteria shall be effective for the period specified by the permit.

3104.3 Label Membrane structures or tents shall have a permanently affixed label bearing the following information:


1. The identification of size and fabric or material.
2. The names and addresses of the manufacturers of the tent or air-supported structure.
3. A statement that the fabric or material meets the requirements of Section 3104.2.
4. If treated, the date the fabric or material was last treated with flame-retardant solution, the trade name or kind of
chemical used in treatment, name of person or firm treating the fabric or material, and name of testing agency and
test standard by which the fabric or material was tested.
5. If untreated, a statement that no treatment was applied when the fabric or material met the requirements of Section

California State Seal of the Fire Marshal for Flame Retardant registration.


Made in the Shade supplies registered fabrics that have been certified by Cal Fire as Flame Retardant.

The presence of the California Fire Marshal seal above indicates that the fabric has been tested to and has met the requirements

under CA State Fire Code, Title 19 to be labeled as flame retardant


*Rental confirmation is when completed rental agreements and payment forms have been received and processed, and payments have been applied to the job (deposit or in full). 




Our staff is ready to answer questions or provide additional assistance. Contact us today by PHONE or EMAIL.

To obtain a tent rental estimate for an upcoming event, complete the REQUEST A QUOTE form.

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